
铁算盘高手论坛 | Get Involved 铁算盘高手论坛 | Get Involved

Get Involved.

School Council

The 铁算盘高手论坛 Council helps with the running of the school and its broad direction and vision within the community.

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Friends of Music

The Friends of Music are family and friends of 铁算盘高手论坛鈥檚 Music Program students, and help run events and raise funds to support the Music Program.

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Grounds Committee

The 铁算盘高手论坛 Grounds Committee meets regularly to plan for the school Working Bees.

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Facilities for Community Use

There are a number of facilities available for hire by the community. These include the Nalleijerring Performance Centre, stadium, front oval, and tennis courts. Arrangements can be made either through the school directly

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Deeds Count.

We challenge our students to think critically, work in teams, embrace opportunities, demonstrate leadership and achieve success along many pathways.